How Long Can Cats Go Without Food? Cats are strong, robust creatures, and it’s not uncommon to hear stories of some cats who might suddenly reject their regular cat food and refuse to eat it whenever you put it down for them. Therefore, you might wonder how long cats can go without food.
If there is access to water, the typical cat might go without food for one to two weeks. Even if they have enough water, without protein, it might only be three to four days.
A cat wouldn’t likely last over three days without food or water. It is crucial to emphasize that a cat might become underweight and ill and even require emergency veterinary care if it goes without food for two days. All cats require a steady supply of fresh water and food for happiness and health.
Reasons Your Cat isn’t Eating or Drinking
Cats who stop consuming food or liquids do so for various reasons. Among the most typical are:
- A stomachache
- Altering her diet
- Stress or emotional factors (such as her owner on a trip, for example)
- Dental problems
- Side effects of medication
- Parasites
- Intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease
- Underlying health problems
In other words, there are many reasons why your cat might have stopped consuming food or liquids. Contacting your veterinarian is your best option if you want to determine the problem.
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What Happens When Cats Go Without Food Too Long?
Your cat risks major health issues without food and water because it depends on these essentials for a healthy life.
For instance, you should be quite concerned and visit the vet if a day or two has passed and your cat still refuses to eat.
Although their liver may not fully fail yet, it may be close. Your cat’s body may suffer more the longer it goes without food. Recovery consequently becomes more difficult.
Please don’t wait any longer than you must; get assistance as soon as possible. Malnutrition, fatty liver disease, and dehydration are serious health concerns that can develop without the right care.
How Do You Get Your Cat to Eat?
You can do several things if you have to wait for a vet appointment or you’re attempting to help your cat eat within the first 24 hours.
1. Keep Her Hydrated
Make sure your cat is receiving enough water first. Recovery from dehydration may take longer and be more difficult.
2. Try to Entice Your Cat With Food
The next step is to try feeding your cat something different from what she usually eats to get her to eat. Dr. Sievert advised attempting to warm up the meal to see if she would eat it that way because cats aren’t very fond of cold food.
3. Make Sure Her Food is in a Quiet Place
Ensure her food is in a peaceful part of the house because cats dislike loud noises. Additionally, make sure her food and water dishes are spotless because your cat could avoid using a filthy bowl for either.
Cats can go for up to two weeks without eating, although this is never recommended. If you find that she has stopped eating or drinking, get your cat to the vet immediately so they can identify and address the underlying issue.
How Long Can Cats Go Without Water?
The body of a cat depends on water to function properly. It supports cellular activity, encourages healthy organ function, safeguards brain health, enhances blood flow and metabolism, facilitates digestion, avoids constipation, removes toxins through urine, and controls pH levels.
The typical time that cats may go without water is between three and four days. However, cats will dehydrate within 24 hours of going without water.
A cat’s dehydration worsens the longer it goes without water, leading to electrolyte imbalances and possible organ damage.
How Can You Safely Change a Cat’s Diet?
If you want to switch your cat food brand or kind, you must do so gradually and securely. Beginning with a small amount, gradually increase the proportion of the new food until your cat enthusiastically chows down on it without experiencing any negative effects.
This process can take a week or more, depending on how picky your cat is. Stay calm and resist the urge to rush your cat. Ensure your cat has access to plenty of fresh water initially if they experience gastrointestinal discomfort.
You should reconsider your choice if your cat rejects the new food and refuses to consume it—cats who go without food for a predetermined period risk getting potentially fatal hepatic lipidosis.
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When Should You Change Your Cat’s Diet?
Sometimes, a modification in your cat’s diet may be advised by your veterinarian owing to certain medical concerns; they should propose the best brand or variety.
When your kitten grows into an adult cat, remember that different types of food are needed to fulfill their nutritional demands as they develop. Similar to how you change as you age, so does your cat.
Last, cats can have dietary intolerances, so you might need to alter their diet. Always seek the counsel of a veterinarian before making any adjustments to determine which kind of food would best suit your cat’s needs.
Bottom Line
A mature cat can last for one to two weeks before being overburdened. Age, breed, and medical conditions are a few variables that could affect how long your cat can live. Your cat could develop a potentially fatal liver problem if you don’t step in to help.